Guide for Authors

"Bi-Quarterly Journal of Cognitive Strategies in Learning" publishes scientific articles in various fields of psychology with the aim of publishing new findings in various fields of psychology, exchanging scientific information between researchers, and strengthening the production of science. Research articles are a priority and the following points are required to compile the article:

Title: Concise, clear and relevant to the content of the article

Name and address of the author (s): name, surname, degree, university degree, postal address of the place of work, telephone and E-mail

Persian Abstract: Minimum 150 words and maximum 200 words in one paragraph including introduction, purpose, method, findings, conclusion and keywords (3 to 5 words)

English Abstract: Minimum 150 words and maximum 200 words in one paragraph including introduction, purpose, method, findings, conclusion and keywords (3 to 5 words)

Introduction: Problem statement, theoretical foundations and research background, objectives, question (s) and / or hypothesis (s) of the research

Method: Research method, statistical population, sample, research method, research design type, research ethics, measurement tool with full description of subscales, scores, psychometric properties in Iranian and non-Iranian samples and statistical data analysis methods

Results: The results of the research along with the necessary tables and diagrams according to APA criteria and patterns Discussion and Conclusion: Review of research results and explanation of findings, description of practical and theoretical consequences, expression of limitations and overall research result Footnotes: Descriptions and Latin equivalents of terms and names of foreign authors, bottom of each page with separate numbers for each page

References: The references used in the text of the article should be set according to APA criteria as follows:

Article - Surname and name of the author (s), year of publication, title of the article, name of the publication, number, page Book (author) - Surname and author name (s), year of publication, book title, date of publication, place of publication, publisher, page Book (translation) - Surname and name of the author (s), year of publication of the original text, book title, name and surname of the translator / translators, year of translation, date of publication, place of publication, publisher, page Acknowledgments - Thanks and appreciation to the institutions and individuals who have contributed to the research with material or scientific support. If there is a research contract with the executive bodies, it is necessary to mention the contract number.

In addition to the above, the article is reviewed based on the following conditions: The article has not been published in any journal. The article should be typed in Word computer software in a maximum of 6000 words (cute line, size 12, line spacing 1, A4 page). Article size should be between 12 and 15 A4 pages. Each article can provide up to 5 images including tables and graphs. The article with full names and addresses along with the print request letter should be sent to the e-mail address of the journal office.

The responsible author in this letter must confirm and commit the authenticity of the article and not sending it simultaneously for review or publication in other magazines and publications. If the author and the person in charge do not make the formal changes requested by the editorial board of the journal in accordance with the above criteria within fifteen days and do not send it back to the journal office, the article will be removed from the review and judging process.

The Psychology Quarterly is free to reject, modify or edit articles. The responsibility for the scientific content of the article lies with the author and authors. The received article will not be returned. The received articles will be reviewed by the editorial board first and if they comply with the criteria of the journal, they will be sent anonymously to two to three qualified judges for evaluation.

Dear authors, you should send your articles through the home page (website) to