The causal model of academic procrastination based on goal orientations with the mediating role academic engagement and academic Self-Efficacy

Document Type : Research Article



Objective: This study aimed to provide the causal model of academic procrastination based on goal orientations with the mediating role academic engagement and academic Self-Efficacy.
Method: In a descriptive correlational study of 424 students of shiraz Payame Noor University, with stratified random sampling and answered to a self-report questionnaire consisted of academic engagement, academic self-efficacy, achievement goals and, academic procrastination. the correlation matrix, path analysis and indicators of goodness of fitness with LISREL 8.3 software was used for data analysis.
Results: The results of path analysis showed that performance - avoidance and mastery goals affect students’ academic procrastination direct and indirectly through the mediation of academic engagement and academic self-efficacy. Among the variables examined in this study, avoidance goals with 0/33 have greatest affect significant on academic procrastination.
Conclusion: According to the findings, Conditions to be provided to students to adopt them such a mastery goals and refuse of the avoidance goals and also the mastery goals have significant negative correlation with academic procrastination, the mastery goals can be promoted by means of training programs for the reduce of the academic procrastination.


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